
*Please note that the following dates are TENTATIVE depending on the construction schedule for a new visitor center at the site. Further details will be added to later events once that schedule is clearly defined.

March 1: The Defense of fort dobbs

On February 27th, 1760, a large party of Cherokee engaged in combat with the garrison of Fort Dobbs. During this living history event reenactors representing the soldiers and civilians will recreate life at the fort as it may have been through demonstrations including historic weapons firings and cooking.

Saturday, 10am-4pm. Free admission, donations appreciated.

10:30-Musket firing demonstration.

12:00-Swivel cannon firing demonstration

1:30-Musket firing demonstration

3:00-Swivel cannon firing demonstration


When Fort Dobbs was constructed in 1756, approximately 40 families lived within several miles: a space referred to as “The Fourth Creek Settlement.”  While farming was the main source of income for many households, others relied on their skills as tradesmen to earn their livelihood.  This living history event will feature on-going demonstrations of many such trades, as well as skills that were necessary to keep any household functioning, including shoemaking, carpentry, and blacksmithing.

10am-4pm Saturday. Free admission.



Visit with soldiers and support personnel from hundreds of years of North Carolina history. The    experiences of veterans of the Revolution, Civil War, World Wars and other conflicts will be shared through living history displays and weapons firing demonstrations.

Saturday 10am-4pm. $5 admission for 13 and older. 12 and younger free, as are active duty or veterans with valid ID.



 This living history will give visitors a glimpse of daily life for the garrison of Fort Dobbs as the soldiers prepare for the onset of winter in 1756.  The event will feature on-going displays of barracks life, historic cooking, and scheduled historic weapons demonstrations.

Saturday, 10am-4pm. Free admission.


—Special Public and Homeschool Education Days will be announced on the site’s Facebook page when pre-registration opens.—















Special events and living history weekends are made possible by the generosity of the Friends of Fort Dobbs,
who support the mission of Fort Dobbs State Historic Site —
“To preserve and interpret the history of Fort Dobbs and North Carolina's role in the French and Indian War."